Agnostiko Business Suit

Management at its finest

We put at your disposal a set of Apps developed to offer you more control in the management of your business, all based on Flutter and integrated with our Agnostiko SDK.

Our SDK allows you to have applications that can be installed on any digital channel (on POS, mobile, laptop, or desktop payment devices).


Agnostiko Back-End

Management and control with the convenience of the cloud

Our Next Generation TMS is a cloud-based system that puts you in complete control of your terminal base operation by managing your multiple business processes in one backend.

Promotions, product catalogs, sales management, vendor routes, commissions, product inventory control, warehouse [and sub-warehouse management], billing, and more in one place.

Agnostiko SDK

Compatibility and universal connection for all terminals

Our Universal Payment Library [Agnostiko SDK] is the right choice to meet the international market’s latest needs for multi-brand payment terminals.

This solution allows you to securely connect any brand of payment terminals (Pinpads, POS terminals, POS, MPOS, and the entire range of payment device offerings) to one source code and one TMS.

These are a some of the benefit when you implement the Agnostiko’s SDK:

  • Adaptability: The technology of our SDK allows your applications to be responsive.
  • Agility: Reduces time-to-market by up to 70%.
  • Usability: An intuitive graphic interface that is easy to use, which improves the user experience and reduces the learning curve for new users.
  • Accessible: EMV parameterization standard format.
  • Flexibility: 100% agnostic ticket printing [regardless of the terminal manufacturer] with customizable text and logos.
  • Security: A cryptographic module adaptable to each country while complying with the PCI standard. Also, loading and administration of isolated keys for the payment terminals.
  • Profitability: The technological stack reduces maintenance costs by more than 50%, increasing the profitability and evolution of payment applications.


Agnostiko RDM (Remote Device Manager)

Real-time control, no matter where you are

This cloud-based system provides you with all the information in real-time to control each POS, allowing operators to manage the operation of the entire fleet of terminals remotely.

Our Agnostiko RDM offers you:

  • A Web interface (App) that allows you to access different functionalities of the terminal remotely.
  • Modular Architecture, that allows you to add new features according to your growth.
  • Our Backend allows you to manage user’s security & messages, terminal messages, reporting, terminal control, key control, firmware control, and app’s control, to name a few.
  • Manage Logs, Communications and Terminal functionalities remotely through a web application.

Agnostiko Console

Make updates speedily and securely

Configure your terminals remotely, speedily, and simultaneously. This will enable your operations to deploy the terminals faster and securely.

Agnostiko Gateway - COMING SOON!!!

Management at its finest

Very soon, you will be able to enjoy all the functionality and benefits of the New Generation Agnostiko Gateway; a set of REST services that complement the Agnostiko suite. You’ll be able to connect to the payment processors while you acquire data from your operation for data analytics and Business Intelligence.

Agnostiko AI Assitant

Real-time virtual assistance

The Business Intelligence and Machine Learning component of Agnostiko allows you to consult, in real-time, all the data generated within the Agnostiko Payment Ecosystem. Hence, you’ll have indicators in real-time, which will help you to make informed business decisions. With the combination

With the combination of process robotics and voice processing, you can manage via voice or chat [in real-time] dashboard information of KPIs with established parameters, queries, and reports. This information is generated in detail and can be presented via Dashboard or independent interaction channel via voice and chat for senior management.


We offer the solutions that your business demands! Contact us.

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